Jack of All Trades, Master of None? Sure, but that does mean I learn fast!I beleive the more different things you know, the easier your brain absorb new concepts. Aka brain compression: using previous knowledge and make "pointers" to it instead of having to memorize the raw, new data.
I've created a few things in Unity3D, went to school and learned maya, photoshop, etc.. and also school to learn coding, mostly in C, C++, Java, Visual basic.
I'm hoping to start a new game project soon with a mix of some of these software, trying to force myself to learn more open source stuff: godot, aseprite, blender, maya, photoshop.
I've also done, in the past, some industrial computer vision, inventory management system coding, thermal printer service, large format inkjet printer service, ultra wide large format printer (up to 16 feet in printing width), I've done car mechanics as personal project, I still fix my car to this day, woodworking, sword making, sheet metal work, 2d plans for custom fabrication, some electronic repair, python scripts when something repetitive annoys me.. just to name a few.
Send me a msg if you feel like it, I don't bite!